I am Oleti Mahesh from Tirupati.I am a self taught WebDeveloper.I enjoy building websites and web applications.
I learnt all these below skills i mentioned from online platforms.
Everything started with a passion for web technologies.
I have developed personal projects which interests me.I specialise in FrontEndDevelopment.
My current experience and skills in front-end includes:
I am a self taught developer.I learnt from online like watching youtube videos,reading medium posts,searching google,doing exercises in FreeCodeCamp,doing exercises from w3schools,practicing in codepen and SublimeText3 editor and watching udemy course videos. Below are the links to visit some of my codes
In-depth Case Studies to show you what I can offer and how I work
The following are some of the projects that I have been working on.
I am available for hire and open to any ideas of cooperation
Don't type anything here.This is for sample.If you want to contact me below are my details.